MENTAL WELLNESS outpatient recovery in Marietta, GA




Affordable Addiction Treatment: What is Partial Hospitalization?

Senior patient with chronic issues talking to nurse about treatment

Finances should never stand in the way of your health and well-being. Yet because of insurance coverage limitations, the ability to pay for treatment leaves many people struggling with substance abuse unable to get the help they need. Finding affordable addiction treatment is vital in a world facing increased opioid overdose and addiction issues. However, […]

The Best Ways to Detox from Alcohol

Feeling sick

Best Way to Detox and Recover from Alcohol Abuse Alcohol use disorder, which accounts for drinking problems ranging from moderate to severe, is a disease that affected as many as 14.4 million Americans in 2018, according to the NIAAA. Alcohol dependence can change the body’s biochemistry and stopping alcohol use cold turkey can have devastating […]