MENTAL WELLNESS outpatient recovery in Marietta, GA




Seasonal Affective Disorder and Addiction


As the days shorten and the nights grow darker, our moods and mental health may change as well. Experiencing feelings of depression or anxiety in the colder Fall and Winter months of the year may be a sign of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a mental health disorder which affects millions of people around the world. […]

Suicide Prevention Month: Understanding Suicidal Ideation

Unrecognizable woman with mental disorder and suicidal thoughts

It is a sad fact about modern society that mental health crises have become so commonplace. One in five people surveyed in 2018 admitted to having mental health issues. One in twenty-five people experienced serious mental illness. Considering the amount of people struggling with life, it’s inevitable that suicide would become a more pressing problem. […]

Depression Among people Living With Substance Abuse Disorders

Female consoles her sad boyfriend who has depression and some problems, pose at bedroom on bed

Depression also referred to as major depressive disorder, is a common and serious mental health condition that negatively affects many Americans. One feels sad, anxious and loses interest in activities that they once enjoyed. It can drastically reduce one’s ability to function at home and also at work due to physical and emotional problems caused. […]